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花子 Hanako 23-05-2008 06:20 PM

معلومات خفيفه عن Yunho
كيفكم ايش خباركم
المهم هذي معلومات خفيفه عن احلاااااا U-know em033
لقيتها في احد المنتديات وحبيت اشاركها وياكم وانشالله تعجبكم:cool_1: بس معليش اعذروني الموضوع بدون صور لاني ما عرف انزل صور :aca_deprest::deprest_1:
دوووووووووووووزو :happy_1:
اللقب : U-know YunHo 유노윤호

الأسم الحقيقي : Jung YunHo 정윤호

الطول : 184سم

الوزن : 66 كلغ

تاريخ الميلاد : فبراير 6, 1986

مكان الولاده : Gwangju )광주)

الفرقه : TVXQ

الرتبه : قائد الفرقه

الهوايات : الموسيقى والقراءة ولعب الرياضة

المميزات : الرقص

الديانه : المسيحيه


yunho هو ثاني عضو يضاف إلى الفرقه

وتميز بالسرعه ودقة الرقص وترأس

yunho الرئاسه على الفرقه لأنه يمتلك

أبتدأ yunhoبالرقص منذ أن

كان في الصف السابع وقاد فريق الرقص

في مدرسته .
بالنسبه لعائلته لم يكونو في

وضع جيد بالنسبه للمال وبذالك أظطر إلى

الأنتقال من المنزل وقد عمل في أعمال

صغيره كثيره ولاكن متعبه كي يجمع المال

لأخته كي تستكمل دراستها :love_1:

وفي ذالك الوقت كان في الصف التاسع

في 15 تشرين الاول / اكتوبر 2006 ، تم نقله

الى المستشفى بعد تسممه بعد ان اعطته

احد معجباته شراب مسموم وبعد نقله

واجهyunho صعوبات كثيره لاكن بعد ان تخطى

تلك الصعوبات لم يرد ان يقاضي تلك الفتات

لأنها كانت في نفس عمر أخته ولم يرد ذالك

:shy_1: أشياء لطيفه جدا عنه:shy_1:

1. Don't tell him to lose weight! He said that his Winnie the Pooh's tummy is fill with fan's love.
2. He is serious when working so Don't talk to him at that time!
3. When fans are pulling his hair and cloths he will smile to them but actually he doesn't like it!
4. Do not compete with or challenge him. He won't let himself lose to you!
5. Do not stand close to him when he is dancing. His powerful hand move may injure you!
6. He likes unique fan's letter. So decorated your letter with beautiful pattern!
7. When raining, he likes to write novel so he won't go out during raining!
8. He don't like to get too intimate (hugging and touching) with people he is not close to, so don't hug him.
9. He cares about his fans very much so he don't like fans to force themselves to get very near them 'cos it is dangerous. He likes fans to stand and watch them from a bit distance for their safety.
10. People said that he is a very polite and knowledgeable leader.
11. Yunho is a very bad boy to girls. He would tease them until they cry.
12. Yunho's mom and dad are student leaders in school. They would always run for student election until they realize that they suited one another.
13. Yunho once caught watching **** and he told them that it's an assignment.
14. Yunho once fell in love with a girl that never really love him. She became his girlfriend but later on she broke up with him. Yunho convinced his friends to give her a surprise. She was touched and get back at him but yunho later realize that she could never learn to love him. Thus, he set her free.
15. Yunho is a great fan of the girl in Sassy Girl.
16. Yunho sleeps diagonally
يلا خلوني اشوف ردودكم ترا هذا اول موضوع انزله:angry1:

DAAAY 23-05-2008 06:45 PM


المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 花子 Hanako (المشاركة 294647)
مرااااااااااااحب أهلا وسهلا ومرحبتين

كيفكم ايش خباركم بخيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــر وأنتي؟
المهم هذي معلومات خفيفه عن احلاااااا U-know em033 لوسمحتي ماأبغاها ثقيلة عشان أنام خفيف!!
لقيتها في احد المنتديات وحبيت اشاركها وياكم وانشالله تعجبكم:cool_1: بس معليش اعذروني الموضوع بدون صور لاني ما عرف انزل صور :aca_deprest::deprest_1: خخخخ .. لالا البنت إلي تنزل موضوع لازم تعرف ...تراني أنا بعد نفس الحالة
دوووووووووووووزو :happy_1: هيء هيء ..:laugh_1:
اللقب : U-KNOW | U-know YunHo 유노윤호

الأسم الحقيقي : Jung YunHo 정윤호
والنعم و7 أنعام...الحمولة جونغ ..حمولة سنعة:laugh_1:
الطول : 184سم
موووووووووووو طويــــــــــــــــــل أبداً!!hohoho
الوزن : 66 كلغ

تاريخ الميلاد : فبراير 6, 1986
مووووو نحييف ,,وأشوى أكبر مني:devilidea_1:
مكان الولاده : Gwangju )광주)
والله ؟؟حساااااااااافة مارحنا للنفاس ,ياخزياهhmmm
الفرقه : TVXQ
من جد؟؟؟ أنا حسبته تبع سوجو!خخخخخخخخخخخخخخ:devilsmile_1:
الرتبه : قائد الفرقه
مع ذا الطوووول شيء طبيعي!!! الله يخلف علينا:ntrouble_1:
الهوايات : الموسيقى والقراءة ولعب الرياضة

المميزات : الرقص

الديانه : المسيحيه


yunho هو ثاني عضو يضاف إلى الفرقه

وتميز بالسرعه ودقة الرقص وترأس

yunho الرئاسه على الفرقه لأنه يمتلك

أبتدأ yunhoبالرقص منذ أن

كان في الصف السابع وقاد فريق الرقص

في مدرسته .
بالنسبه لعائلته لم يكونو في

وضع جيد بالنسبه للمال وبذالك أظطر إلى

الأنتقال من المنزل وقد عمل في أعمال

صغيره كثيره ولاكن متعبه كي يجمع المال

لأخته كي تستكمل دراستها :love_1:
وأنا بعد....آه آه..........em033 em033
وفي ذالك الوقت كان في الصف التاسع

في 15 تشرين الاول / اكتوبر 2006 ، تم نقله

الى المستشفى بعد تسممه بعد ان اعطته

احد معجباته شراب مسموم وبعد نقله

واجهyunho صعوبات كثيره لاكن بعد ان تخطى

تلك الصعوبات لم يرد ان يقاضي تلك الفتات

لأنها كانت في نفس عمر أخته ولم يرد ذالك

:shy_1: أشياء لطيفه جدا عنه:shy_1:

1. Don't tell him to lose weight! He said that his Winnie the Pooh's tummy is fill with fan's love.
2. He is serious when working so Don't talk to him at that time!
3. When fans are pulling his hair and cloths he will smile to them but actually he doesn't like it!
4. Do not compete with or challenge him. He won't let himself lose to you!
5. Do not stand close to him when he is dancing. His powerful hand move may injure you!
6. He likes unique fan's letter. So decorated your letter with beautiful pattern!
7. When raining, he likes to write novel so he won't go out during raining!
8. He don't like to get too intimate (hugging and touching) with people he is not close to, so don't hug him.
9. He cares about his fans very much so he don't like fans to force themselves to get very near them 'cos it is dangerous. He likes fans to stand and watch them from a bit distance for their safety.
10. People said that he is a very polite and knowledgeable leader.
11. Yunho is a very bad boy to girls. He would tease them until they cry.
12. Yunho's mom and dad are student leaders in school. They would always run for student election until they realize that they suited one another.
13. Yunho once caught watching **** and he told them that it's an assignment.
14. Yunho once fell in love with a girl that never really love him. She became his girlfriend but later on she broke up with him. Yunho convinced his friends to give her a surprise. She was touched and get back at him but yunho later realize that she could never learn to love him. Thus, he set her free.
15. Yunho is a great fan of the girl in Sassy Girl.
16. Yunho sleeps diagonally
يلا خلوني اشوف ردودكم ترا هذا اول موضوع انزله:angry1:

لووووووووووووووووسمحتي أنا دافورة بالعنقليزي !!!:deprest_1:
عشان كذا ممكن ترجمة؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟:XD_1:
مشتكرة على الموضوع القميــــــــــــــــل!!:love_2:
وعقبال موضوع عن هيرو...:devilidea_1:

attomy 23-05-2008 06:49 PM

يسلموووووو ع المعلومات الخفيفة مثلتس ...

SAMO0o 23-05-2008 07:22 PM

تسلمين حبيبتي ع المعلومات الحلوه منك لأحلى واحد

ومن هذي الحقيره الي سممته والله لو انها عندي لا مسكها ضرب واوريها كيف تتعامل مع يونو

وان شاء الله نشوف منك كل جديد ورائع


花子 Hanako 23-05-2008 09:52 PM

يسلمووو على الرد الحلو attomy sanem033
توهور هاندا من جد البنت حقيره:angry1: انا شفت في youtube الخبر بس كان بالكوري يعني مافهمت شي ابد:cry_4:
وهذي الترجمه عشان خاطرك DAAAy:love_1:
Don't tell him to lose weight! He said that his Winnie the Pooh's tummy is fill with fan's love
لا تقولين له يخسر وزن ليش؟ يقول ان بطنه الوني ذا بو مليان بحب الجماهير<< خخخ مسمي بطنه ويني ذا بو :laugh_1:
2. He is serious when working so Don't talk to

him at that time!
هو جدي لمى يشتغل عشان كذا لا تكلمينه في هالوقت<< مثل مره دقيت عليه بس سكرها بوجهي:aca_deprest:
3. When fans are pulling his hair and cloths he will smile to them but actually he doesn't like it!

لمى الفانز يشدون شعره وملابسه يبتسم بس في الحقيقه وده يسطرهم hohoho
4. Do not compete with or challenge him. He won't let himself lose to you!

لمى احد ينافسه ما يحب يخسر عشان كذا احسن لك لا تنافسينه:cool_1:
5. Do not stand close to him when he is dancing. His powerful hand move may injure you
لمى يرقص ابعدي عنه لان ممكن تجيك خبطه محترمه من يده :exco_1: مثلي انا مره كنت معه في الجيم وهو كان يرقص كنت لازقة فيه تقولين علك وما دريت الا وانا في المستشفي مغمى علي hmmm
6. He likes unique fan's letter. So decorated your letter with beautiful pattern!

يقولك انه يحب الرسايل المزخرفه واللي فيها حركتات يعني لو تبين تكتبين له رساله مليها ستكرز و رسومات :cool_1:
7. When raining, he likes to write novel so he won't go out during raining!

لمى تمطر يحب يقعد في البيت يكتب روايات << مثلي سبحان الله في بينا اشياء مشتركهwoooo=
8. He don't like to get too intimate (hugging and touching) with people he is not close to, so don't hug him.

هو ما يحب الحميميه يعني ما يحب احد يضمه او يلمسه<< بس انا :shy_1:
9. He cares about his fans very much so he don't like fans to force themselves to get very near them 'cos it is dangerous. He likes fans to stand and watch them from a bit distance for their safety.

هو من كثر ما يهتم بالفانز ما يحب يعرضهم للخطر عشان كذا هو يفضل انه يصير بينهم مسافه لمن يتابعونهم عشان سلامتهم<< اصلا انا اللي قايلتله
10. People said that he is a very polite and knowledgeable leader.

الناس يقولون انه قائد ذكي و لطيف :please_1:
11. Yunho is a very bad boy to girls. He would tease them until they cry.

yunho مع البنات bad doy يحب يضايقهم لمى يبكون وياما بكاني :cry_1:
12. Yunho's mom and dad are student leaders in school. They would always run for student election until they realize that they suited one another.

هذي صراحه ما فهمتها:aca_deprest:
13. Yunho once caught watching **** and he told them that it's an assignment.

وهذي كمان لم افهمها:deprest_1:
14. Yunho once fell in love with a girl that never really love him. She became his girlfriend but later on she broke up with him. Yunho

convinced his friends to give her a surprise. She was touched and get back at him but yunho later realize that she could never learn to love him. Thus, he set her free.
yunho مره وقع في حب وحده من البنات:suprise_1: بس البنت ما حست بالحب اتجاهه :huh_1: بس صارت his girlfriend بس بعدين انفصلو بس yunho اقنع اصحابه انو يسويلها مفاجئه ورجعتله بس yunho عرف انها لايمكن تحبه عشان كذا اطلق سراحها:cry_3: احس تنفع تصير دراما:cool_1:

15. Yunho is a great fan of the girl in Sassy Girl.
yunho من اكبر المعجبين بالممثله اللي في sassy girl<< لاااااااا انا ما احبها:noway_1:
16. Yunho sleeps diagonally
yunho ينام بشكل مايل:please_1: يدنن يا نااااس

الساعة الآن 10:59 AM.
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